Step into a world where Spanish-revival houses blend seamlessly with rolling hills and breathtaking ocean views. Hobson Heights, Ventura’s premier neighborhood since 1923, invites you to explore its rich heritage and vibrant community.
Hobson Heights is made up of 220 custom single-family houses, the majority were built in the late 1920’s after Ventura’s oil boom which infused our peaceful seaside town with new-found wealth and jobs.
Abram Lincoln Hobson brought Ventura’s first premier neighborhood to life in 1923 to provide housing for the growing merchant class. He envisioned Italian-style / Spanish-revival houses (considered the most modern style at the time) with ocean views, and cutting-edge features like paved roads, underground utilities and lamp posts.
The neighborhood includes mostly single -family homes except for a handful of multi-residential and commercial properties located mostly along the north side of Main Street and Evans Ave.
Today, Hobson Heights is still one the most sort after neighborhoods in Ventura due to the iconic architecture, historical relevance, sweeping ocean and island views and fantastic orientation to charming Downtown Ventura and the beach.
Hobson Heights by the Numbers
Discover the fascinating statistics that define Hobson Heights, from home ownership to community demographics.
- Average Years of Residency 15%
- Annual Turnover Rate 2.7% 2.7%
- Residents Owning Homes for 20+ Years 66.22%
- Residents Owning Homes for 10-20 Years 72%
- Owner-Occupied Homes 67%
- Empty Nesters 37%

Hobson Heights
Property breakdown:
220 Single
family homes
9 Quadruplexes
6 Vacant
residential lots
8 Duplexes
6 Apartment houses
5+ units
2 Vacant
commercial lots
1 Triplexes
1 Church

A Personal Welcome:
"Welcome to Hobson Heights. As a resident of Hobson Heights since 2009, I count myself very lucky to live in such a historical and charming neighborhood. I love hearing the church bells each hour and waking up to a view of Anacapa Island. I couldn't ask for nicer, more interesting neighbors. A great cup of coffee is only a block away and historic downtown and the beach are a short 15 minute walk. I can't wait to share the documentary William Edwards and I have been working hard on for a year with you. Thank you to the 20+ neighbors who shared their houses and stories with us. See you January 20th!"
Toni Guy
Toni Guy | Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices California Properties
DRE 01491191 | Follow on FB @toniguyrealestate & IG @toni.guy.realtor www.toniguyrealestate.com | toniguy22@yahoo.com | 805.570.0265