Interesting facts about Hobson Heights

Cemetery Memorial Park is located off Poli street, a short stroll from Hobson Heights. More than a century ago, the town of Ventura ended at Cemetery Memorial Park, where people now come to watch the sunset or exercise their dogs. But this grassy knoll holds a secret. Once the original cemetery for Ventura, more than 3,000 pioneers and war veterans are still buried here. Can you find the headstone for William Dewey Hobson, the man considered the father of Ventura County? W.D Hobson was the father of A.L Hobson who created Hobson Heights.
Historical Timeline
Key moments in the history of Hobson Heights.
Founding of Hobson Heights
Hobson Heights had recorded declaration of covenants, conditions and regulations CC&Rs that stated only non-Caucasians could reside in Hobson Heights, an exception was made for servants. Thankfully modern fair housing and equality laws have rendered such restrictions ghosts of the past. Today, Hobson Heights is a diverse neighborhood. Residents range from descendants of the founding families of Ventura to newcomers who hail from all corners of the world.
Centennial Celebration
Hobson Heights celebrated its centennial. In January 2024, a documentary uncovering the forgotten history of the neighborhood and highlighting the architecture and past residents was screened at the Museum of Ventura County with approx 400 people in attendance. The event featured over 60 paintings of the neighborhood by the Plein Air Painters society, live music, Ford model Ts and an archival exhibit.
There are currently only 3 landmark houses in Hobson Heights. As more people learn about the Mills Act and wish to preserve the integrity of their houses, we’d love to see more homeowners take advantage of the tax breaks which help pay for preserving the architecture of our Hobson Heights jewels. Click Here
Interesting Facts About Hobson Heights
Diverse Community
Hobson Heights is home to a vibrant and diverse community, welcoming residents from all corners of the globe.
Historic Landmark Houses
There are currently three landmark houses in Hobson Heights, each with unique architectural significance.
Cemetery Memorial Park
Located off Poli Street, this park was once the original cemetery for Ventura, holding the graves of over 3,000 pioneers and war veterans.
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